Commercial and corporate law
Commercial law is a branch of private law and comprises a system of regulations that govern the legal status of traders and their relationships in the process of pursuing their activity.
Commerce and commerce turnover are the main drivers of business and consumption. Therefore, they require strict and thorough legal regulations. Although the Commerce Act provides for such regulations, the need of specialised legal assistance of natural persons and legal entities often occurs. Radostin Vasilev Law Firm offers its customers a wide range of legal services in the field of commercial and corporate law, including but not limited to:
- Selection of appropriate legal form upon starting a business (OOD /limited liability company/, EOOD /sole owner limited liability company/, АD /joint stock company/, ЕАD /sole owner joint stock company/, KDA /partnership limited by shares/);
- Registration of companies /incorporation of companies/;
- Transfer of company shares;
- Change of legal form;
- Sale of business companies;
- Preparation of franchise agreements with regard to the penetration on international and European markets;
- Legal service of foreign legal entities and establishment of business in Bulgaria;
- Preparation of individual opinions on risky counterparties;
- Debt collection strategies;
- Insolvency proceedings and other rights of creditors;
- Liquidation of business companies;
- Preparation of any kind of papers and documents related to the business companies’ affairs;
- Preparation of general terms and conditions;
- Due diligence of potential counterparties;
- Commission agreements, lease and carriage agreements;
- Publication of annual financial statements, notices for convocation of general meeting, notices to creditors to bring claims and resolutions for increase/ decrease of companies’ capital;
- Preparation of securities;
- Preparation of documents for procedures of differentiated nature;
- License regimes of transport companies, taxi operations, pawn shops, etc.;
- Representation before state and municipal authorities;
- Procedural representation in commercial cases before all instance courts.