На основание чл. 38, ал. 1, т. 3 от Закона за счетоводство Адвокатско дружество “Радостин Василев” публикува своя ГФО за предходната 2021 г. Адвокатско дружество „Радостин Василев“ не подлежи на задължителен независим финансов одит за 2021 г. и с оглед изискванията на чл. 42, ал. 1 от Закона за счетоводството не е задължено и не изготвя доклад…
Category: Law News
Radostin Vasilev - Law Firm

Dear clients, partners and friends, Due to the expanded range of services provided by us and our desire to constantly develop and improve, we inform you that as of 1 October 2020, the entire activity of Vasilev and Co. Consulting will be performed by Radostin Vasilev-Law Firm. The Department of Sports Law and Sports Management…
FIFA imposed a ban on FC ALTAY (Turkey)

FIFA imposed a ban on FC ALTAY (Turkey) for registering any new players, either nationally or internationally, for the maximum duration of three entire and consecutive registration periods. This disciplinary sanction has been imposed on FC ALTAY, because the club failed to comply with FIFA DRC‘s decision in the matter of one of our clients.…