PFC Septemvri Sofia’s striker Redy Kasa joined KF Egnatia (Albania).The team of Radostin Vassilev Law Firm prepared all the necessary documentsin regard to the transfer.
Author: VasilevAdmin
PFC Septemvri Sofia with new transfer

The team of Radostin Vassilev Law Firm assisted PFC Septemvri Sofia with the preparation of all necessary documents related to the transfer of Krasian Kolev to PFC Botev Plovdiv.
ГФО за 2021 г. на Адвокатско дружество „Радостин Василев“
На основание чл. 38, ал. 1, т. 3 от Закона за счетоводство Адвокатско дружество “Радостин Василев” публикува своя ГФО за предходната 2021 г. Адвокатско дружество „Радостин Василев“ не подлежи на задължителен независим финансов одит за 2021 г. и с оглед изискванията на чл. 42, ал. 1 от Закона за счетоводството не е задължено и не изготвя доклад…
Another victory at the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) in Lausanne.

The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) in Lausanne, Swtizerland confirmed the decision taken by FIFA DRC in favor of our client Borislav Tsonev against his former club NK Inter-Zaprešić (Croatia). In 2020, the player unilaterally terminated his contractual relationship with NK Inter-Zaprešić. The reason for the termination was the non-payment of his monthly remunerations.…
FIFA DRC passed a decision in favore of Borislav Tsonev

The Croatian football club NK Inter Zapresic was in delay with the player’s wages. Therefore, in June 2020, Borislav Tsonev engaged our legal firm which intiated a procedure before FIFA DRC pursuant to Art. 14bis of the FIFA Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players (RSTP). On 9 December 2020, the DRC Judge passed…